OLD / Popping! – Introduction

Run away

General (by organization)

  • Duration – 10 minutes
  • Participants – min. 6 / max. 12
  • Dimension – rectangle of caps: 5 by 10 meters


  • Dot 24x (number of participants x2)
  • Cap 4x (2x yellow, 2x red)


Two children stand back to back on a dot.

Points of interest

When a child says ‘stop,’ stop pulling


Exercise Material


The children in front do a race with each other.
The child who crosses the line first has a point.

The child standing behind the front child has both arms around the front child’s waist.
The front child tries to run as fast as possible, while the child at the back tries to stop it by pulling back.

Once across the field, the front and back child switch positions.
Now they run to the other side of the field.
Which individual got the most points?

Switch pairs a few times.
