General (by organization)
- Duration – 15 minutes
- Participants – min. 6 / max. 12
- Dimension – Diameter circle of caps: 12 meters
- Dot 12x (number of participants / different colors)
- Cap 12x
- Dice
The children stand in a circle on a dot.
Points of interest
Everyone starts running only when each team has pitched
Exercise Material
Divide the group into teams using the colored dots:
Children on the yellow dot belong together, on the red dot belong together etc.
1 team rolls the die.
The number of pips on the die represent the number of laps to be run.
The team rolling the die must give away that number of pips to one team.
When each team has rolled, each team also knows how many laps to run.
At the sign of the game leader, all teams start running the number of laps and finish back at their own dot.
When everyone is back at their dot, another team may start rolling dice.
The game is finished when each team has started rolling dice once.
So with 4 teams, you play this game 4x.