Throwing & Catching
- Dot 4x (4 colors)
- Kernel bag 10x
- Pawn 4x
- Block 6x
- Ball 4x
- Hoop 2x
Have each child/group start at a different section so they don’t line up.
Points of interest
- Watching where you throw to
- Making hands like a bowl when you want to catch
For right-handers:
- Bag in right hand
- Left foot in front of the dot, right foot on the dot
- Pointing with your left hand where you are throwing
- Watching where you throw
For left-handers, this applies in reverse

Exercise Material
Exercise 1
Throw against the correct color tree.
Basic: From the hoop, throw the colored pits bag against the same color of dot (instead of parachute)
Easy: Throw the bag and reduce the distance
Challenging: Throw the pouch and increase the distance
Exercise 2
Throw against the bananas
Basic: Throw the ball with two hands and knock over the blocks
Simple: Throw with two hands and shorten the distance
Challenging: Throw with two hands and increase the distance
Exercise 3
Throw the apples off the tree
Basic: Throw the ball off the pawn with a beanbag
Simple: Throw with a beanbag and reduce the distance
Challenging: Throw with a pipsack and increase the distance