Shooting a ball
- Dot 4x
- Block 4x
- Ball 4x
- Pawn 8x
Divide the children into exercises with a ball.
After 3 minutes, the children switch to the next exercise.
Points of interest
- Seeing where you want to shoot
- Shooting with the inside of your foot

Exercise Material
Exercise 1
Dribble a coconut through the jungle
Basic: Dribble at a slow pace to the pawn
Simpler: Tap the ball forward in a coordinated manner and follow through
More challenging: Dribble at higher pace to the pawn
Exercise 2
Shoot the coconut on the colored beach
Basic: Shoot the ball at the parachute
Simpler: Reduce the distance
More challenging: Increase the distance
Exercise 3
Shoot the coconut against the palm trees by
Basic: Shoot the ball against the cubes
Simpler: Reduce the distance of the cubes
More challenging: Increase the distance between the cubes