Moving to music


  • Pawn 9x
  • Music box (optional)


All children start on a dot.

Points of interest

  • First lay out the dots, have the children sit on the dot and then tell how the game goes
  • Dance along as a game leader


Exercise Material

Exercise 1
Driving the car!

All children stand in space with a dot as a wheel. By listening to the lyrics of the music, they know how to dance.

Exercise 2
The children line up like a train.

Arie stands in front of the train and is the driver.

When the music starts, the train rides down the hall to a party. When the music goes faster, the train of children also goes faster. When the music goes slower, the train also goes slower.

Exercise 3
The Dance Window

Half the children are on a dot and are the mannequins. The other children stand on a dot opposite the mannequin. The mannequin starts by making a movement. The child imitates this movement.

Elaboration: When the music pauses, the children hop to another dot (the mannequins remain standing). Only when a child is facing the mannequin may the mannequin start dancing. Before that, the mannequin is frozen.