0 - 6 months
Rolling & Turning
(coming to) Sitting
Turns head back and forth from supine position
1.5 to 4 months
Start position: supine
End position: supine
Helping hand
- Always put your head on the other side and “invite” the baby to turn to your side with small sounds.
- Use a rattle to get baby to turn/look to the other side.
Raises head in prone position
2 to 3 months
Start position: prone position with head on surface
End position: prone position with head raised
Helping hand
- Connect with the baby by making sounds at the same height.
- Place the baby on your thigh while sitting.
- Change the diaper while the baby is lying on its stomach.
- Put down some toys for the baby to play with.
Can turn from side to back
2 to 5 months
Starting position: side position
Final position: supine
Helping hand
- Slowly move the upper leg outward causing the baby to “open up” and lie on its back
- Make sounds with a rattle on the side the baby should turn to.
Seat with active support
2 to 5 months
Starting position: supine
Final position: sitting position with active
support adult
Helping hand
- Put the baby on your lap and let him find balance by providing alternating support.
In the beginning, still firmly fixate the head. - Put the baby on the floor and Let him find the balance by offering alternating support.
Fix the head well in the beginning.
Rolling from the belly to the back
3.5 to 5 months
Start position: prone
End position: supine
Helping hand
- Rolling over the left side: sit on the baby’s right side; the baby looks at you and you gently guide/pull the left arm gently toward you.
You can guide this under the left shoulder. - Start with a rattle low to the ground and gently move this rattle in a lane to the other side so that baby keeps following the rattle.
Leans on his elbows-hands-
wrists in prone position
4 to 5 months
Starting position: prone position with head on surface
Final position: prone position with head raised high
Helping hand
- Connect with the baby by making sounds at the same height.
- Place the baby on your thigh while sitting.
- Change the diaper while the baby is lying on its stomach.
- Put down some toys for the baby to play with.
Tries to pull himself up to objects or persons Pulls up to sitting position
4 to 6 months
Starting position: supine
Final position: sitting positionwith hands keeping balance
Helping hand
- Gently and slowly pull the baby up by the arms.
Don’t force the movement, stimulate!
You stimulate the first part by gently pulling on the arms, then feel the baby pull itself up. - Challenge the baby to grasp a toy firmly grasping it, then slowly up, allowing the baby to come to a sitting position.
Can roll from belly to back
4.5 to 7 months
Start position: supine
End position: lateral position
Helping hand
- Roll over left side: take position on baby’s right side; place right leg bent over left leg, place left arm at right angle to body and gently push baby up against right shoulder blade to side position
- Same as 1, but now you do not help the baby up, but challenge the baby to grab something, for example, causing him to slowly move up.
Can turn from back to abdomen and vice versa
5 to 9 months
Starting position: supine
Final position: prone
Helping hand
- Roll over the left side: take a seat on the baby’s right side; place the right leg bent over the left leg, challenge the baby to pick up an object with the right hand, causing him to slowly move up to side position, then place the object in front of him so that he has to roll over to the stomach.
- The same movement but now reversed.
Leans on his elbows-hands wrists
6 to 8 months
Starting position: ZSitting position with active support adult
End position: sitting positionwith arms supporting trunk
Helping hand
- Place the baby on the floor and actively support by allowing his arms/hands to make contact with the surface.
When sufficiently balanced, remove the support. - Put the baby on the ground in a stable position and then remove the support.
The baby seeks balance on his own with arms on the ground.